Clean Ernakulam District Campaign (SBY)

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  • Mithradham is also leading a major yearly campaign called Suchithwa Bodhana Yajanam – A clean Ernakulam District in 15 years Campaign (2010-2025).
  • Suchithwa Bodhana Yajnam ( SBY ) is a pilot movement of the people, by the people and for the people intended to make an existing district in India a model for cleanliness, environment protection and health care. The district chosen is Ernakulam district, the industrial and commercial district in Kerala. The zeal of the movement is to lead the district to sustainability in energy, food and waste management in due course. The movement is supporting all the attempts of the state government in this direction, especially the “Suchithwa Mission” of Kerala.
  • Started in 2010 under the initiative of Renewable Energy Centre, Mithradham ,Chunangamveli , coordinated by RajagiriOUTreach, Kalamassery and Sahrudaya Services and Charities, Rajagiri, the movement has added to its ranks and files many institutions, organizations and individuals of the district in three years time. All citizens are welcome to join the movement without any form of discrimination.
  • All the present and expected future activities of the movement are centered around four major yearly events suffixed “Yathra” ( journey ) reminding the journey in this world undertaken by all of us as human beings . They are “Padayathra” from 1st to 15th January, “Sauhrudayathra” in April & May centered around the World Workers’ Day, “Kalayathra” during the first week of June, centered around the World Environment Day and “Vijnanayathra” from 29th September to 2nd October ending on Gandhi Jayanthi Day.
Clean Ernakulam District Campaign (SBY)

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